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ADL Procures that the presentation of all the contents and essential functionalities of the web was independent of the physical devices and browsers web employed for such end, encoded with technical standards of free and free use, and accessible for browsers adapted to people with minusvalías or sensory limitations, motoras or cognitive.

The content is in format XTML - a language of composition of hipertexto, open standard developed and recommended by the W3C, the Consortium of the Web.

The elements that constitute the content (images, text, structures, links) are writings according to the level of priority To of the Guidelines of Accessibility for Contained Web of the W3C.

They employ  leaves of style (CSS , another standard of the W3C) to assign the formats of presentation and to distribute in the pages the contents and the links.

It recommends  use the most recent versions of browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Netscape Navigator, Operates, Konqueror, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc.

The European Union, in the resolution of the Council of 25 March 2002, encourages to the States members to take into account the need that the digital contents are accessible and, following this recommendation, the Law 34/2002, of 11 July, of services of the society of the information and of e-commerce, has that the public Administrations will adopt the necessary measures so that the available information in his respective pages of Internet can be accessible to people with disability and of age advanced, in accordance with the criteria of accessibility to the generally recognised content, before 31 December 2005.

In coherence with this aim, the design of the web of the ADL realised  taking into account the recommendations of accessibility for the first level of priority of the guidelines WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative) of the W3C.

If you finds some difficulty to access to the content or to understand it, please communicate it through the form that will attend him.

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